Nov 11, 2009

So Much in so little

This weekend I've been invited to bore people to death at the annual Team Bulldog banquet. I'll be showing slides and giving about my highly opinionated thoughts on all things cycling. The metaphors will be flowing.

On top of all that gratuitous metaphor composing, I'll be finally doing the drawing for the Frame and Fork. Yeah!

Other news:

My neck is bulging. Specifically between the C 5/6 and 6/7. It's not terrible, but I do have to rest it a bit.

We'll talk soon.


Houston said...


I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my neck. I tried quite a few treatments (cortizone to a chiropractor). I went the a myo-fascial specialist and in about 2.5 months of bi-monthly "massages" I feel healed. She works out of Medford but comes into Center City on the weekends. Let me know if you want to know more about it.


My name is Stephen said...

dude, sorry about the neck, rest up so you can ride hard!!! (not a metaphore)

Adam said...

My fingers are crossed, I need an IF!

Adam said...

My fingers are crossed, I need an IF! Sorry about your neck ,sounds painful. Take a vacation to Florida, it'll cure all that ales ya!