Don't ask me how I feel. This weekend is the last 100miler of the NUE series, and Floyd Landis is going to show. Is he a doper or isn't he? Or does it really matter? The fact that Floyd keeps showing up to race his bike, proves to me that he has a love for it. Financially these events don't have the return he's used to. So what other reason could there be for him showing his face to possible heckling, or worse yet, losing? Maybe he's trying to help the sport of MTBing, by bringing it some publicity? We'll see what the results are.
I'm nervous about the weekend. The competition is going to be stiff. Eatough, Landis, Simonson, Koerber, Schalk. Shawn Adams is out, do to injury. I just hope I have some legs left.

I won an XC race last weekend. Took out Jeff Schalk due to some long racing. He attacked early in the 4th lap, thinking that it was the final time around, uh oh, sorry Jeff but there was another left. I caught him early in the next lap. The day was hot like a smitties furnace. It took a couple of days to rehydrate.

This is the nose.

This is from when Bruno and I visited Carpenter Technologies. That's the company that developed the new Reynolds 953 steel. They've been making it for years. As a matter of fact you probably have a bit of it in you car's thermostat.