Jan 28, 2008

We Got it Together

This past weekend was spent in the chilly Boston area with a brotherhood of IF cyclist. I got to hang out with the IFRacing under 25 development road team. We did nifty team building stuff together. Like hitting balls suspended above ground and practicing holding ropes in a line.
Check out the new team website IFracing.org.
Climbing the pole!

Touring the IF factory. Watching Jill carve a bike out of a single piece of steel. And making it look like a lugged Indy Fab stainless steel bike. Never!

A good amount of time was spent at the bar trying to figure out why "not" was underlined twice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds very cool... but, why do you all need to wear helmets to hold a rope in a straight line?

Let me take you climbing some time... if I can ever climb again (wrist injury).